Food Recognition Mobile Application

A learning model learned with the TensorFlow deep learning framework. It receives the user's food image as input, performs analysis, learning, and model creation, and provides food recognition results to the user.

System Configuration

The food recognition application implements personalized food recognition technology and applies deep learning technology based on CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) to learn, infer, and classify food images. Personalized food recognition technology increases the rate of food recognition by assigning weight to foods that an individual enjoys eating.

시스템 구성 설명

Food image learning and inference process

The deep learning framework for food recognition used Tensorflow and a network structure called Google InceptionV3. In this project, food image learning and model creation are performed on the server, and the mobile application receives the learning model and performs food recognition (classification) work.

Server food learning and learning model transmission process
서버의 음식 학습과 학습모델 송신 과정
Food recognition and labeling process in mobile application and server relearning process
모바일 어플리케이션에서의 음식 인식, 라벨링 과정과 서버의 재학습 과정
Food recognition learning progress monitoring GUI
음식인식 학습 진행 사항 모니터링 GUI 화면 (Scalars)-TensorBoard
음식인식 학습 진행 사항 모니터링 GUI 화면 (Histograms)-TensorBoard
Food recognition application GUI
음식인식 어플리케이션 GUI 화면
Date selection
Manage meal records by date (enter, edit, delete)
음식인식 학습 진행 사항 모니터링 GUI 화면
Breakfast, lunch, dinner selection
Take photos of food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, linked to photo library
음식인식 어플리케이션 GUI 화면
Food recognition result selection
Select and save the recognized food type, and save the food name for images that were not learned (Labeling)
음식인식 학습 진행 사항 모니터링 GUI 화면
Settings screen
Food recognition setting screen, personalization level reflection, food recognition data transmission, model update function