GPU/GPGPU Based Platform

A platform utilizing GPU technology with big data analysis, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and visualization tools provides improved productivity.

Platform Architecture

  • Supports various file formats available in GDAL, including general data AWS S3, Parquet, CSV, TXT, ZIP File and spatial information data (SHP, GDB, GeoJSON, KML, TIFF, etc.).

  • Supports data connection and data import with Data Warehouses & Lakes (Apache Hadoop, Google BigQuery, Amazon Redshift, etc.) and RDBMS (MySQL, SQLServer, PostgreSQL).

  • Data loaded into the GPU DB can quickly obtain analysis results through GPU distributed processing, and spatial information (Point, LineString, MultiPolygon, etc.) can be created as an image using Geospatial Render and displayed on a map.

  • Can be used for machine learning (ML)/AI by linking with Jupyter, and data can be analyzed efficiently by linking with BI (Business Intelligence) tools.

시스템 구성 설명
Web Application GUI
Workbench GUI 화면 Workbench
Dashboard GUI 화면 Dashboard
SQLEditor 화면 SQLEditor
JupyterLab GUI 화면 JupyterLab